Reaching and Believing



Our Curriculum

At Queen Victoria Primary School, we deliver a broad, balanced and exciting curriculum. You can talk to our pupils, look at our books, attend parent workshops and click on all the tabs below to find out what we do. If you require further information please ask Mrs R Wood or Mrs Rindl or your child's class teacher.

Whole School Long Term Curriculum Plan 2023-24

Curriculum Statement 2023-24






EYFS Documents



Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6

Examples of Whole School Subject Progression




Physical Education

Curriculum Overview Y1-6

Progression Journey


Curriculum Overview Y3-6

Scheme of Work Y3/4

Scheme of Work Y5/6


Jigsaw PSHE 3 -11 Overview

Parent Jigsaw Leaflet

Religious Education Overview

Examples of Our Knowledge Organisers

Home Work

Homework is important to staff and many parents at Queen Victoria Primary School. We understand that there can be mixed feelings when it comes to the frequency and quantity of homework sent home on a weekly basis, however we view homework as an integral part of the school experience. Active, successful pupil participation in homework supports our beliefs of how children learn best.

Home Work Pamphlet


Following the introduction in 2014 of a new National Curriculum framework, assessment by levels and level descriptors were removed. The Department for Education has said that levels are not good with respect to helping parents to understand how far their child is improving. In their place, from September 2014, “it will be for schools to decide how they assess pupils’ progress.”

Why do we assess children at Queen Vic?

Assessment is a powerful way of raising pupils’ achievement. It is based on the principle that children will improve most if they understand the aim of their learning, where they are in relation to that aim, and how they can achieve that aim. It is not an add-on or a project: it is central to effective teaching and learning.

Assessment that is planned and integral to the curriculum is likely to provide the most useful information for teachers about their pupils’ performance.

How we will assess pupils at Queen Vic?

Statutory requirements:

  • Reception – EYFS profile

  • Year 1 (and 2) – Phonic checks

  • Year 2 – End of KS1 assessments

  • Y4- Multiplications Test

  • Year 6 – End of KS2 assessments (known as SATs)

Other assessment strategies used at Queen Vic:

  • Termly progress tests (examples include: PIRA, PUMA)

  • End of topic mini progress tests. (examples include: White Rose Maths)

  • Daily/Weekly marking and verbal feedback from the teacher.

  • Peer to peer assessment

  • Self-assessment which can include online feedback.

How do we track the progress of a child?

We use a tracking system called Scholar, this allows us to track each individual pupil’s progress against the National curriculum objectives in both a formative and summative way.

Formative assessment is the daily ongoing assessment of children’s work whilst summative assessment is the formal end of term / topic test. Formative assessment provides a full picture of how a child is learning over time, whilst summative is a snap shot of what they have learnt at a given time.

Our system uses a series of codes to record attainment.

For children with SEND in depth tracking is completed related if appropriate to their personal targets. (see SEND section)

How do we use our assessment information at Queen Vic?

Every half term our senior leadership team meet with class teachers to discuss the assessment information during a pupil progress meeting. This ensures that every child’s progress is discussed so we can address success, concerns and discuss our next steps.

How do we share assessment information with parents?

Here at Queen Victoria we believe it is vital to share our assessment information with parents.

We do this by

  • Termly parent consultation meetings

  • Half Year Mini Report

  • End of Academic Year Report

  • Statutory assessment outcome reports

  • Barriers to learning meetings

  • SEND Consultations

  • Informal chats with parents

Whilst Mrs Rindl is our Assessment Lead, all class teachers are leaders of pupil progress in their classrooms. If you require any further information regarding your child please contact your child’s teacher in the first instance.


At Queen Victoria, we value the importance of personal development and the importance of extending the curriculum beyond academic achievement. Some of this is covered in the National Curriculum, however most of it falls under the banner of Enrichment. Please click the link below to read more.


Assemblies are conducted in a dignified and respectful way. We tell children that assembly time is a period of calm reflection. We regard it is as a special time and expect children to behave in an appropriate way. We encourage children to be quiet and thoughtful and to listen carefully to the teachings and participate fully in periods of reflection. We have an expectation that children close their eyes to have deeper reflective thoughts.

We hold acts of Collective Worship together  and also in class each week. Each half term there is a Praise Assembly led by the SLT. Over the academic year each class has the opportunity to take part in a Class Assembly to which parents are invited. There is also an opportunity over the academic year for each Phase to have a singing assembly. We also invite other local clergy and representatives of local religious groups to conduct assemblies whenever it is appropriate for them to do so.

Pastoral Support



Well Being Team

Family Support

Nurture Group

School Expectations

The Learning Hub