Reaching and Believing


News from around the School

Home-learning 18th - 22nd May 2020

Thank you to everyone who has shared their home-learning with us via email, Facebook and Twitter.

RayRay (Nursery) stopped to have her photo taken with the angel wings before going to practice riding her new bigger bike ❤️

Some of Harreet’s home-leaning 😁

Edan (6M) helping his dad restore his motorbike. 😁

Charlie has had a busy day. He’s been doing his activity book. Using pasta to do subtractions. He can successfully identify all the tricky words and count what the postman delivered. He has coloured in his own lion and knows what the lion eats, where they live, what noise they make and what colour they are. He has made a rockery garden too with his brother Frankie adding stones he has painted and shells he collected from the beach. He said it reminds him of the sea. 💙

Miller (5M) , 10th Birthday! Lockdown birthday celebrations 😊

Heath (RA) and his little friend Flossy (next door neighbour) have been writing letters to each other...he was so happy when she replied today 😃 ✉️

Blue hair today using water and tissue paper they love having different colour hair.😆 Emilia, Lily-Rose and Dougie have made and decorated ginger biscuits mmm my house smells soooooo good 😋

Ethan (2M) making his 5 sided shapes and writing down his 5 times table ✏️1️⃣❎5️⃣

Amelia (2M) wanted to draw Arlo today for who she misses the most. Not really sure where she gets her drawing talent from. 🐶✏

Dilraj (4M) this is my Native American longhouse sketch😊

Jacob PD (2H) has been completing some of his SATs busters work at home 🙂

Maths with Dad 😁🌟

Jackson (3M) working on his Ancient Greek timeline and he's also made a poster on the Venus Flytrap using the laptop 😁

Caitlin (4A) created a pretend fire to invite family to a circle of stories ❤️❤️❤️

Bailey (4A) making his grilled cheese sandwich for DT today 🇺🇸🌈

Cal has been practising his phonics and phase 2 and 3 sounds and then labelled all the parts of a frog that help him in his habitat. After that he used the leaves to put the amount of pegs on them and then he has been practising groups of 2 in his maths book.

Emily (1A) completing her creative science seasons poster!

Caitlin (4A) has been working really hard learning her times tables ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Kurtis (2A) Certificate for doing great work today well done 💙💙💙

Liam (RM) completing his caterpillar numbers

Liam (RM) in his 5 minute break from school wanted to show Miss Blake and Mrs Atkins his exercise bike.

Liam (RM) reception completing his work.

Emilia has been busy on TTRockstars this morning 😁

Dougie has really challenged himself this morning with no prompt from mum. something must have clicked. It was amazing to see his little brain working and he was so happy that I told him he was right #bigmathschallenge 😁

Lexi-Mai (4H), Evie (2H) and George (Reception) having a cooking lesson pizza making 😁🍕

Jack from green group nursery had a walk today and was telling mommy about shadows and investigating which object had the biggest shadow.

Maiya (3M) & Connor (1A) went on a walk today collecting things for a picture 🌿🍃🌳

Tommy (RM) doing some maths work and reading his book.

We have been playing Monolopy to learn Noah about money. We also learnt about tens and one's. He put the picture and the sentences together. 💭💭

George (RA), Maisey (2M) and Lewis (Nursery) have been helping George to complete his bubble bee school project and Nanny has put them in her front window.

Dougie loved hearing Mrs Cox’s voice yesterday, he was telling her about a picture that he has drawn for her of a monster king snail and a butterfly 🐌🦋📞 😃

Emilia, Lily-Rose & in the sun ☀️

Millicent (2M) doing her kickboxing Zoom lessons 😃

Connie (3H) researching what makes plants grow 🌱

Ava (2M) & Noah (RA) are enjoying all their bike rides out.

Freddie was chuffed to get this in the post today, thank you Miss Fellows & Miss Jukes.

Isabelle 6M keira 4A after morning of maths and readying getting some healthy play 🌞

Darcie Reid Reception (Zebra Class) has been practising her frog jumps for P.E 😁🐸

Hope (3M) and Stanley (RM) made Lava Lamps in their science lesson today.

Completing today’s school work while mom’s working from home 😃🌟

Learning about tens and ones and even worked out how many 10s in 300 😵 then practising his joined up writing 😁

Hope (3M) has been working really hard over the last week 🤩

Stanley has worked hard this last week 🤩

This morning Noah made his number caterpillar called wiggles, some counting pictures, he wrote what he was thankful for and he also completed a life cycle of a frog 🐸😁

Mommy's office set up all ready for working from home 📋 & Isaac's home schooling lesson today is sinking and floating 🐠🌊☀️

Emilia getting help with her work from her big sister Isabella this morning 😃🌈

Dougie is loving his work this morning 😃 10 o’clock and lots completed. Now time to play outside while the pool fills up ☀️⛱

Joshua (5A) and Daniel (3H) are enjoying kickboxing lessons using zoom twice a week 😁

Daniel (3H) helped today by cutting the grass in the sunshine, he also weeded all the garden too 🌿🌞

Cal in Giraffe class has learnt about tadpoles and then compare his life cycle to the tadpoles we have in our pond. Hes also done some phonics and maths online 🐸

Mcauley (Y2) counting his toys instead of socks and his other work 👍

Neve (RM) has been super busy catching up on school work today. She has used dots and dashes, thought about time, used o' clock and written what she can see ☑️😁

Gracie in (1H) has been reading so much. We are currently reading Matilda which she loves. We’ve also done some number work this morning and made a plan for a story to be written later this week about a naughty unicorn with special powers in her horn!

Connie (3H) TTRockstars in the garden, making the most of the weather 😃☀️

Dougie has watched videos of a life cycle of a frog this morning and has managed to correctly order the pictures 😃🐸

Finley-James enjoyed learning about the life cycle of a frog this morning. He enjoyed it that much that much that we’re off to find some frogs at the at the big pond and watch how high they can jump 🐸☀️

Today Noah has done biggest to smallest, everyday words, shopping, numbers 1 to 20 and missing numbers 😁⭐️

Bailey (4A) enjoyed a ride out today on his bike to post his postcard to school from his home learning task last week... All the way from New York 🇺🇸🗽🌈

Ava (2M) and Noah (RA) have made a piece of artwork for the garden with their Mommy, using a slate,masonry paint & 3 hands 🖐🖐🖐

Cal in Giraffe class has decorated the window ready for international bee day on Wednesday 🐝

Over the weekend Cal helped make daisy chains and garlic bread knots. He has also started to learn about times tables and started practising joining his handwriting. After that today he has made his worry glitter jar and wrote down what he is thankful for and sorted out the lengths of paper from longest to shortest.

Today we did a healthy plate, unhealthy plate, spelling and writing numbers from 1-20.

Kurtis (2A) working hard doing maths 💙💙💙

Heath (RA) and James (6H) completed their home-learning yesterday morning and then went for a lovely long walk in the afternoon☀️ 🌳

Finley-James (Giraffe Class) has been busy putting pieces of different coloured card into size order and finding objects the same size around the house. He has also completed his online phonics and reading. A very productive morning so far... 😃🌟

Olivia and Joseph managed to get out for some exercise the weekend. We blew bubbles, climbed trees and looked for wildlife.

Lois (5M) Archie (2A) The kids have really enjoyed our adventure with a picnic, playing ball, laughing, exploring new paths, forests, spotting goats, pigs and robins the list goes on. 5 hours of exploring = tired kids🐐🌈👩‍👦🐷☀️🧺🍦🌳

Olivia (Reception) putting things in size order 😁

Ava (2M) & Noah (RA) have been helping mommy in the garden this weekend and we also collected sticks from the Beacon to make our garden artwork 🖌🌿

Jaytan (Time for Twos) making shapes.... his favourite is a triangle 🔼😁⭐️

Mollie T (Giraffe Class) made Elmer the Elephant with a plastic milk bottle and lots of tissue paper as part of her DT Topic 🐘😊

Mollie (Giraffe Class) designing her healthy plate with help from big sister Daisy T (5A) 😁⭐️⭐️

Mollie (Giraffe Class) did a great job at completing her 'o'clock' time telling 🕐👍

Today Lola (4M) did the BBC Bitesize Art lesson. Lola has painted a 'place that she has never been to' and used her imagination to create the scene 😁

Isabella, Emilia, Lily-Rose and Dougie created an amazing window display to celebrate International Bee Day 😁🐝🌷🦋

James (6H) and Heath (Zebra Class) have been working very hard today completing their home-learning work 😃🌟🌟