Reaching and Believing


News from around the School

School Days 11th -15th May 2020

Ahoy there Matey!

The Queen Vic Pirates have been in the building today learning about all things 'piratey'!! They have made their own treasure maps, each deciding on their own location for the treasure, ensuing that 'X' marks the spot.

The children have written their own 'message in a bottle' and also together produced a virtual message. To reinforce the messages of internet safety, this message has been placed on our Facebook page and the children are going to monitor where it ends up. I wonder if it will actually leave Wolverhampton?

They have also become Pirate Code Breakers and completed some tricky maths puzzles - these decoding skills will help them find Captain Braiden's hidden treasures tomorrow buried around school.

 Treasure maps have been tea stained and are now proudly on display, surrounded by the other creative masterpieces the children have created. 

Everyone has been very excited to keep checking for updates on where our virtual message in a bottle has travelled to. It literally has travelled all the way around the world in less than 24 hours - its amazing what technology can do!

The adventures today finished with a treasure hunt outside, where children had to follow a map and find the treasure that was hidden - the sweets went down a treat.

Later in the week the children went shape crazy with a little help from some famous artists. The children used 3D shapes to create cress seed animals that will grow if they are looked after correctly. In the afternoon, the children delved into the world of modern art and looked at Pablo Picasso. They designed their faces using a variety of shapes and colours! Shapetastic!

Next - old school potato printing!  The children had to use shapes from the potato to make animals or patterns of their choice.

The children then enjoyed using some nature to make some outdoor hanging art that they displayed from the decking.

The day finished with some Kandinsky themed circle weaving and made some beautiful paintings for our gallery.

The afternoon was filled with delicious food. To fit in with the circle theme and being National Pizza 🍕 day; what better than to have a pizza party! After the delicious circular snack, the children went round and round the maypole with a little help from Mrs Willetts and Miss Madeley! 
