Reaching and Believing


News from around the School

Year 4 - Sea Life Centre

This week Year 4 visited the Sea Life Centre in Birmingham as part of their stunning start.  They went behind the scenes to learn how marine life is cared for, bred and fed. There are over 2000 different fish at the Sea Life Centre and feeding is an important part of their role, as different marine life eat different food.

During the tour the children learnt about plastic pollution and how it is harming marine life.  We will continue to investigate this further as part of our topic and how we can make a difference.

There was a VIP guided tour led by an expert from the Sea Life Centre. The guide explained more about the centre and the children were able to see the Gentoo penguins and the Sea Otters.

Finally, there was a walk through the ocean tunnel to really experience what goes on below the surface of our oceans and view the different species of fish, rays and sharks, as well as meeting the 44-year-old rescue turtle.  

The children are now looking forward to exploring more about marine life through their Topic ‘Blue Abyss’

Year 4, School NewsKaren Best