Reaching and Believing


News from around the School

Home-learning 1st - 5th June 2020

Thank you to everyone who has shared their home-learning with us via email, Facebook and Twitter.

Noah has wrote about his favourite animal - a giraffe πŸ¦’πŸ¦’. He has completed a fact file on his cousin Lydia.

Jenson (2H) has worked hard this week with his reading and writing. He has really enjoyed 'The bear who came to babysit' πŸ» He has also been doing power maths this week too πŸŒˆπŸ’™

Ashley (6H) has written a repeating poem πŸ™‚

Rosie Hall (2M) has completed her English work on 'The Tiny Seed'.

Dan (5H) has been researching about different animals πŸ˜€

Bailey (4A) has enjoyed his art task today. Designing and making a dream catcher πŸ’™πŸŒˆ

Noah has made words using digraphs, wrote out the days of the week, connected the words with the pictures and picked the correct number for the pictures.

Sienna has been completing work in her KS1 English book this morning and added some photos from previous work. πŸ˜€ She wants to say hello to Miss Blake and Mrs Atkins and tell you she’s lost both her wobbly teeth now!

Lexi-Mai and Evie are having a pj day doing there school work πŸ˜

Emily’s millipede from her mini beast hunt and her fact file on millipedes πŸœπŸ•·

Caitlin (4A) and Kurtis (2A) have been working really hard completing their home-learning.

Charlie (RH) has been working hard today drawing his frog life cycle 😁

Mangahigh maths session today for Dan πŸ™‚

Adam-James (4M) would like to show his work to Mr Braiden βœοΈπŸ˜

Connor (Time for Twos) has been learning if objects sink or float.

Dylan (4H) would like his teachers to see his long house that he made from recycled materials.

Jacob (1H) has made a Victorian classroom from Lego and card πŸ™‚

Noah (RA) doing a fantastic job looking after his beanstalk from reception πŸŒ±

Dan has been learning how to make different amounts with money πŸ’· πŸ˜

Jenson is being the teacher today. Lois is very proud of her writing. βœοΈπŸ˜

Freya (4M) has made a Minnesota Hot Dish for us tonight using the recipe from the home learning pack πŸ˜

Ethan (3A) has made a model of an acropolis as part of his home work πŸ˜

After a busy day doing schoolwork, Joseph 3A, Olivia 4H and Jack green group Nursery Am are now cooling down in the pool.

Finley-James GiraffeοΏΌ Class πŸ¦’ Reception, has been working hard making his number caterpillar up to 20, reading a book of his choice and writing a little review.

Ethan (2M) completing his tally chart of different types of vehicle driving by πŸš²πŸš—πŸššπŸπŸšŒ

This morning Noah has learned how to add money together and subtraction. πŸ”’

Hannah Perks (3H) has been using pasta to help her with her dividing sums.

Kaitlyn Perks (5H) practising her times table 60 sums 1 mins 23 secs πŸ‘ x

Lois (5M) made these of her family for a puppet show πŸ‘¨β€πŸ‘§β€πŸ‘§πŸ‘©β€πŸ‘¦

Frankie (2M) would like to share his favourite ice cream flavours tally chart πŸ¦πŸ¨

Amber and Brooke completing their maths work today.

Cal in giraffe class, is back doing his work after half term...hes made a Caterpillar and sorted the numbers into the correct order, and he has wrote about one of his favourite memories when be went to visit his nanny and granddad

Ethan 2M - Petal File πŸŒΉπŸŒ·πŸ’πŸŒΊπŸŒΈπŸŒ»πŸ₯€

Liam reception RM bug hotel

Emilia, Lily-Rose and Dougie baked a delicious cake for their Nan's birthday πŸ₯³