Reaching and Believing


News from around the School

School Days 25th - 29th May 2020

Today, the children finished off their chocolate topic with a delicious poem all about chocolate! During the afternoon, the children did a chocolate quiz and even got to sample different chocolate bars.  Lots of smiles all round.  

On Tuesday we had a very 'mindful' day - starting with some relaxing yoga, to get us tuned in and ready for the day.

It has been a very artistic day, as the children and staff have been fully focused upon the Half Term Pioneer Challenges, with the younger children in our care using coloured paper to recreate the giraffes Francie & Josie and the older ones using being inspired by Banksy's 'Thought' graffiti artwork to create their own inspirational graffiti. It has been lovely to see what some of our older children want to be like when they are adults - ranging from a police officer to a comedian!  To remain chilled, we also did some mindfulness drawing and colouring - some children even modelled their mindfulness artwork on the Kadinsky art that had been  done previously and that is beautifully displayed in LS Hall.

As well as being resident artists, we have also been quite athletic (thanks to Mr Seymour and his assistant Mrs Duffield, who beautifully modelled standing long jumps) getting in as much practice as we can - in preparation for our mini sports event.