Reaching and Believing


News from around the School

School Days 6th - 10th April 2020

The mornings started with Joe Wicks or Cosmic Kids which the children (and staff) love. Throughout the week the children took part in lots of activities which included, reading stories to each other, scavengers hunts, roasting marshmellows on a camp fire, Easter egg hunts, making krispie chocolate cakes, a skype call by an author who read the children her book amazing book 'A Dot in the Snow' and a game or two of crazy golf.

The children have thrown themselves into being all environmentally friendly this week, with litter picking a-plenty - the school site was looking a bit messy, so we did our bit  - the claw-like litter pickers were very popular!  The site looks a lot tidier, so hopefully we will not have too much picking to do over the next few days.

The children worked extremly hard to create our very own bug hotel....and it looks fab! Squeals ahoy when bugs were spotted down on the field - and that was only the teachers!

Some beautiful Easter egg masterpieces and cards have been created , which families are going to love!

Take a look at the pictures.