Reaching and Believing


News from around the School

Home-learning 6th-10th April 2020

Thank you to everyone who has shared their home-learning and Easter Pioneer challenges with us via email, Facebook and Twitter.

We were so happy to hear how excited you all were to receive your letters and pioneer challenges through the post 😁

Last week we received letters to loved ones from Gracie, Jenson, Lois, Alfie and Daisy. Den making photos from Jenson, Lois, Brianna, Laura and Connor. Posters about being brave from Jackson, Olly & Jenson. Kai sent us his fantastic drawing on Sonic the Hedgehog. Family keyworker posters from Olly & Sakithian. Creative designs by Noah, Lola, Curtis & Caitlin. Emeilia has used the Pro Create app to produce her drawing, which she drew free hand. Daniel T has been respectful by producing a poster in support of the NHS.

Keep up the fantastic work!