Reaching and Believing


News from around the School

Netball Match

On Tuesday after school we took 9 netballers to Bramford Primary School for a friendly netball match. The players all started with a bit of a warm up and some shooting practise before we then played a match. Unfortunately, they beat us, but we did manage to score and give them a better game this time. They have very kindly offered to host us again later this term for another friendly to help us get some more practise.

The team were:

Daisy T 5A, Layla R 5A, ​Isabel J 5A, ​Jaya G 5A, ​Lola H 5A, ​Patyrk C 5H, ​Ben D 5M, ​Joshua S 5A, ​(Top scorer!) Dolce S 6M. ​

Well played all.

School News, Year 5, Year 6Karen Best