Reaching and Believing


News from around the School

Year Four - Viking Experience

On Tuesday 14th January, Year 4 had a visit from a Viking. The children were greeted by a loud Viking roar and a barrage of throwing axes (don’t worry no children were injured throughout the whole day). Our Viking visitor then told us all about Viking life, invading and trading in Britain before training us to become a Viking warrior with a shield drill to protect ourselves from arrows, spears, axes and swords. We even got the chance to handle Viking artefacts, weaponry and armour. The ring mail armour was so heavy we could barely pick it up, we now know why the Vikings were seen as strong and powerful men as all of the armour and weaponry was so heavy. The day finished with some Viking military training and the last Viking battle in Britain in 1066. Did you know that some Vikings trained either blind folded or in the dark? They mastered the art of surprise by attacking their enemies in the dead of the night, no one would hear them coming as their Longships were designed in such a way that they would glide across the water without making a sound.

School News, Year 4Karen Best