Reaching and Believing


News from around the School

School Days 20th - 24th April 2020

During the first half of the week, for our Australia topic the children have: taken part in Kids Run Free, produced didgeridoo’s and jellyfish, made Kangaroo biscuits and completed an orienteering competition about Australia and won medals. All the wonderful work that the children have done over the last three days has come together to make an amazing display in the hall that all the children are very proud of.

Towards the end of the week the children have been looking at celebrating England and carefully studying the Black Country. Did you know that the dialect of the Black Country area perhaps remains one of the last examples of early English still spoken today? The children have been looking and studying a variety of Black Country artefacts.

Thursday was all about the red and white at Queen Vic as we celebrated St George's day.  The children enjoyed the range of activities that were on offer and made some beautiful bouquets that they were able to take home.  

The children enjoyed learning about the story of George and the Dragon - the Patron Saint who is said to have slain a dragon and rescued a princess before being executed for refusing to renounce his Christian beliefs.

The day went on with some quintessentially English tea tasting, the children tried Lemon, Peppermint, Strawberry, Mint, Fennel and English breakfast before discussing which was their favourite and why.