Reaching and Believing


News from around the School

A Day at Queen Vic - March 2020

Today the children (and staff) have been busy working on various projects.

We have added to the gallery of artwork that Queen Vic are collating for the patients of Russells Hall Hospital - we have bees, rainbows and sunshine galore.

We have also  been thinking about how life is so very different at home and school at the moment, and we are starting to compile a Queen Vic Log book about this strange time. Ollie (2M) wrote a piece about ‘A day at Queen Vic March 2020’

We have also been lucky to have a live stream from Wolves FC, who have led a live 'creative' PE lesson with the children going on a virtual quest. They have promised to send through some activities to follow on from today's experience.

Henry (Year One), sent us a photo of himself having a brilliant time with his maths learning - he even got to sit on the table while doing it! Fantastic Henry!