Reaching and Believing


News from around the School

Time For Twos - Pancake Day and St David’s Day

In Time for Twos this term we have been celebrating Pancake Day and St David’s Day. We have been focusing on language skills, health & self-care as well as managing feelings and behaviour.

During our adult led activities, the children have made pancakes, where we have discussed healthy eating, using fruit toppings. The children have also made a traditional, nutritious leek and potato soup in celebration of St David’s day. Children were encouraged to take turns and use their speech and language skills during our sessions. This enables the children to consolidate their learning during independent time.

These activities, along with our child initiated provision, provides the children with lots of learning opportunities which build on their previous learning, and continue to build a good basis for progression.

Next we will be celebrating Mother’s Day and St Patrick’s day. We will be focusing on our fine manipulative skills, where we will be observing the use of a tripod grip to assess if the children are using a dominant hand.

Karen Best